Getting Started!

If you are new to Initiation Ministry (OCIA), we are here to help! If you need assistance, please contact Michele McHale-Pickard at The Office of Formation and Discipleship or one of the Forum Members.

Books and Print Information

Although there are many publications about OCIA, the the books below are a good place to start.


USCCB – United States Conference of Catholic Bishops link to RCIA page

Team Initiation – Webinars, podcasts and answers to your questions

Catechumenon – LTP’s Catechumeneon is a collection of training and print resources focused on Christian initiation.


Office of Formation and Discipleship Webinar Database

Session Resources

The Archdiocese of Atlanta does not endorse any resources or materials.  Those listed below have been recommended by one or more of the Forum members.

  • Sacramental Pathways – Published by Sycamore. Sycamore is free to access and use. If you want to run a course of sacramental preparation or catechesis in your parish, then take a look at the many Sycamore Pathways available for you to use.
  • Apprentices in Faith– Published by RCL Benziger.  Online, downloadable resources that include session plans based on the liturgical cycle.
  • Journey of Faith– Published by Liguori.  Published in English and Spanish, based on the period of the catechumenate, primary focus is Catholic doctrine.
  • Breaking Open the LectionaryPublished by Paulist Press.  Will help those who Break open the Word in RCIA and those involved in Lectionary-based faith sharing or Bible study groups.
  • Living Word:  Leading RCIA Dismissals (Years A, B and C) – by Leisa Anslinger, Mary A. Ehle, Biagio Mazza, Victoria M. Tufano