
The Archdiocesan Forum for the R.C.I.A. – Guidelines

Mission Statement

The Archdiocesan Forum for the R.C.I.A. includes parish leaders experienced in Initiation Ministry. Our mission is to promote throughout the Archdiocese of Atlanta the vision and the full implementation of the Rite of Christian Initiation as promulgated in the text of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (N.C.C.B. 1998).

(This Mission Statement was revised and adopted September 2012.)


  • To model in our work together what it is to be a collaborative team in coordination with the Archdiocese.
  • To sustain the vision of the Rite of Christian Initiation by sponsoring workshops with local and national leaders.
  • To collaborate closely with the Office of Formation and Discipleship in the area of Christian Initiation.
  • To assist the multicultural community and rural parishes in the implementation and adaptation of the Rite of Christian Initiation for their particular circumstances.
  • To support the efforts at implementation and adaptation of the Rite of Christian Initiation for children of catechetical age.


Article I – Support

The Forum is self-supporting through conference and workshop fees. Funds are maintained in an account within Our Lady of LaSalette parish.

Article II – Membership

Members are expected to have an understanding of Christian Initiation and Adult Faith Formation as envisioned by the Catholic Church. Members typically have experience as Director or Associate Director in R.C.I.A. for children or adults, or have worked with Confirmation preparation, or have accrued other relevant experience.

Membership strives to represent the geographic and demographic composition of the Catholic Archdiocese of Atlanta.

It is desirable to have no less than twelve members and no more than eighteen.

A person may join the Forum by request or recommendation. Once a person is proposed, the membership will decide whether to accept the new member(s).

Regular Members are eligible to participate in all meetings, volunteer for events and hold office.

The term of membership is three years.  A second consecutive three-year term is permitted. The second term must be accepted by the membership. After serving two consecutive terms, a member must either rotate off the Forum for a three-year term or they can be considered for being a Consulting Member. Consulting Members are not eligible to hold office.

Members are divided into three groups of three-year terms to assure membership is being constantly replenished. The membership year begins January 1st and ends December 31st.

The Forum can bestow on a member that has served ten years or more honorary Emeritus status.

Archdiocesan staff members from the Office of Formation and Discipleship are encouraged to be members of the Forum. They do not have term limits. These members shall not constitute more than one-third of members.

Members with extended absences will be given a courtesy call and asked if they wish to continue.

Members may tender their resignation to the Chair at any time.

It is expected that in all deliberations members shall seek consensus and treat sensitive issues with confidentiality.

Article III – Leadership

There will be a Chair; Vice-Chair; and Secretary-Treasurer.  Each position will serve for two-years. Together, the leadership positions constitute the Executive Committee.

The Chair will serve as the direct contact to the Archdiocese and is responsible for chairing all meetings. The Vice-Chair will assist the Chair as directed and be responsible for committees. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair will chair meetings. The Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for preparing the minutes of the meetings and financial reports. In the event of a leadership vacancy, the position can be filled for the unexpired term. The Vice-Chair is expected to serve as Chair if a vacancy should occur. It is expected that the Vice-Chair will be the Chair-Designate.

Article IV – Meetings

Regular and Special meetings will be held on notice to members. Meetings can be in-person or by electronic means.

The Forum will hold at least quarterly meetings.

Committees can be established for specific work as required.

A quorum shall consist of one-third of members present at a meeting.

Voting on issues will be by consensus.

Article V – Guidelines

These guidelines may be changed and updated at any time with consent of the members.

In the event of cessation of the Forum, any resources and funds may be donated to suitable charitable purposes.

Accepted:  August 3, 2021 to become effective January 1, 2022.