The Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion Frequently Asked Questions

  1. If the Rite of Election and Call to Continuing Conversion is only for the Catechumens, may I bring my Candidates? You are correct, the Rite of Election is primarily for the Catechumens, but you are welcome to bring your Candidates who will participate in the Call to Continuing Conversion.
  2. Is this a Mass? No, this is not a Mass nor a Communion Service. Eucharist will not be available and this does not replace your Sunday obligation.
  3. What if I have no Catechumens? Having no Catechumens, you are certainly welcome to attend. You will be part of the Director procession but will not read any names of Catechumens.
  4. If I have both English and Spanish R.C.I.A., what should I do? The person responsible for English and the person responsible for Spanish are welcome to read their respective Catechumen names.
  5. What should I bring to the Rite of Election? You should bring your respective Book of the Elect with names, nothing else is needed. The Book of the Elect should be signed at a Rite of Sending in your parish prior to attending the Rite of Election. In addition, you should respond to Dr. Patricia DeJarnett  A.S.A.P. indicating if you will be attending; how many are attending; and if you are bringing a bus.
  6. What about family members and team members that wish to attend? Space is limited, please limit attendance to only those that need to be present at the Rite of Election.
  7. How long does the Rite of Election last? It averages about 90 minutes.
  8. Will there be handicapped access? Yes, handicapped access and seating is designated at each R.O.E. parish as is handicapped parking.
  9. Is there a Reception and time to see the respective Bishop? A reception is to be held after the R.O.E. at all locations, except for St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church-Jonesboro as they are under construction. There will be a photo opportunity available at all location.
  10.  What should the Catechumens and Candidates bring? They have nothing to bring for the R.O.E. Being a Rite, persons are encouraged to dress appropriately as they would if attending Mass. Everyone is encouraged to place their mobile phones on vibrate or in the off position.

For additional questions, contact Dr. Patricia DeJarnett